Our #1 appraisal test preparation program is the best in the business, and is guaranteed to help you pass your exam. Build confidence as you practice with our sample exams at your own pace. Our sophisticated appraisal exam prep program is packed with features that will make your preparation both fast and efficient.
“ I studied an hour every night before I took the exam to be a Certified General Appraiser. The information was extremely helpful. I do not think I would have passed the test without the benefit of this service. I would recommend this service to any one taking any type of appraisal test.”
Jim M. | Stillwater, OK
Here are a few examples of our features found in our appraisal exam prep program:
- Unique, Individual Exam Prep Programs for each of the State License Levels so you are not wasting your time studying topics that may never appear on your exam.
- Advanced Computer Competency tracking that predicts your competency level in each of the specific topics, allowing you to better focus your time.
- Ability to bookmark questions for easy review.
- A Help button that offers step-by-step solutions.
- Practice a specific topic or choose an exam simulation with random questions.
- Computerized scoring system that lets you know what your current score is question by question.
- Runs entirely on the Internet. Study anywhere.
- Works on virtually any device (PC, Laptop, Tablet, phone etc.).